BSN:The Untold - Page 4


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BSN:The Untold Edition 1
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Council Cringe

Every school year, you spend your
already fabulously used tutor
times to elect a pair of
fantastically eager students to
serve on the, incorrectly narned,
Student Council. So these
Students regularly put in their
time and what they face is one of
the largest disappointments of
our school.
As an experienced member of the SC
serving for the fourth year in a row, I
have Watched to my rising horror how
the student council was reduced from
an effective speaking body in my first
year to a tool to give backing for the
schools ideas. This was the most clear
with the new uniform, which was said
to be backed by the SC which was a
blatant lie as we never approved. The
school is only interested in seeming
democratic by having an elected
student body and even let them come
up with ideas and then promise that
they will do something about the
problems of our school. Then you might ask, what has been
changed in the last four years, I will
tell you. All that our fabulous Student
Council has accomplished in the last
four years is . . . .
.. Drum Roll
please ......... .. The Fabulous Fantastic
50-euro HEMA Clock in the
Atrium!!!! As you probably have got I
am less than impressed with the
results of four years of hard
brainstorming about changes in PE,
Curriculum and Mikes Place all that
has been achieved is so minor that it

isn't worth being mentioned. This
could have been caused by the
bureaucratic system of governors,
heads of years, heads of departments,
deputy heads, heads, principals and
parents who all have a say in a
decision or it could just be that the
SC is being kept down by the same
people who run it by not pushing
through any of the points raised.
The Student Council keeps up
appearances by Whole School
Council meetings, inter-school
council meetings and talks from the
marketing department, While nothing
is ever achieved and nothing real is
ever discussed. Furthermore, the
school only really cares about getting
more students, for which the Student

Council is insignificant and to seem
better they need to seem more
environmentally friendly so the
environmental committee is backed
with enormous fiinds, while the SC
receives little to nothing, to build
stuff like the huge building project
near the Boerderij which isn't even
important for the environment.
I hope, that the school reads this and
reconsiders, but also that we as
students stand up and force them to
give us more power as this school is
just as much ours as theirs.

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