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After the message this past weekend made the rounds that Xbox One games can no longer be used for a lock of the Xbox Live account, Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb made for clarity.

Last weekend the very shaky rumor made the rounds that Xbox One owner will no longer be able to lock one of the Xbox Live account, to start their acquired disc games. This statement made a support staff that she corrected again a little later. He appeared to relate to Xbox Live games for the Xbox 360

Even if the denial of the statement was relatively promptly, was the statement that Xbox One games will no longer be usable by a blocking of the Xbox Live account to read for hours on the internet. Reason enough to Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb thought Reiterating for clarity. According to his statement is definitely not lock the Games. "Definitely not. You will continue to have access to the games you bought, "said his statement.

Only the online modes will no longer be usable, what with a lock of the Xbox Live account but should not really be surprising. But what happens when the servers are responsible for the verification of the games will eventually be shut down? "I do not even know it currently I give you the honest answer."

Erstes Projekt Ausgabe 1 Erste Seite Xbox One

Update: Major Nelson said added that a server shutdown is not an option even after the end of the current generation. However, his statement is somewhat vague: "I say simply this: We have not even started the new generation, so it's a little too early to talk about the end of this generation. But that's certainly something that we will not do. That's not the way the system was designed. It was cut to flexibility. But let the system only once come out. "

Xbox One rumors



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