The investiture controversy


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The Concordat of Worms

At last! End of power struggle between Pope and Emperor in Worms!

Canossa. Pope Calixt II and emperor Henry V met to solve the fight of the rights who is allowed for the Investiture Controversy. This fight had their predecessors,too, but Calixt and Henry now want to solve it.


Henry IV needed his excommunication to be taken back within a year because aristocracy threatened tha Thea will choose a new king if he don´t get his excommunication back.
Gregory VII met on his journey Mathilda who takes him to her fortress in Canossa where they would be safed. There was Henry, barefoot and dressed in a hair shirt to show penitence. But the Pope refused him entry. After three days the Pope invited Henry back to church. Henry begged for forgiveness and so Gregory invited him back to church which meant the end of Henry´s excommunication. But the investiture controversy wasn´t slove.   


So their successors wanted to reach a compromise and wrote this following letters:

"I , Henry , ... leave the church

investiture ordination with ring and

 crook and allow in all the churches

of the kingdom clerical vote and the

free consecration."


"I , Calixt , give my approval that the elections 
of bishops and abbots rich in your presence to take
place , but without offices sales and force . it is the
selected take from you the worldly authority by
handing the sceptre in be received and fill its
obligations to you.
In Italy and Burgundy , the selected in your 
absence at the latest six months after the election
of you invested with the regalia ."

Now the two have reached a compromise...

  • The church elects the new bishops
  • The Pope and the emperor then invest the new Bishop: FIRST the Pope and THEN the emperor









The investiture controversy BN-Britisch News Erste Seite Calixt II and Henry V reached a compromise.
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