First Newspaper - A NEW TREND is BORN


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Found A Michael Jackson Charity

Since the last 3 - 4 years I was thinking about what happened ....I was thinking about WHY I started to do this MJJJL organisation....I remembered the "Focus - Online - magazine" ( Germany) with their big headline on June 26th 2009: "THE KING OF SCANDALS DIED"!Since 2009 there are so many organizations, fan clubs & groups, forums , websites AND the latest trend "charities" by doing their "jobs" or "missions" in the name of MICHAEL JACKSON!

Why do I say TREND?

Many people are outraged by reading the following topics - but i dont care about them because I promised myself to fight for Michael , to fight for justice in any way, to protect his life & legacy, BUT RATHER to fight against all fraudsters, liars, people trying to make money IN or WITH the name of Mr Jackson!

The latest TREND of to set up charities is a sensitive topic AND I can tell you that it is really "dangerous" to talk about this...I have learned that people "doing" such a charity -  with the pure intention to make money for their own - will ALWAYS attack you - especially on facebook!

But when you check or you try to look behind someones "charity ", you will definitly find out if they are official legal or NOT! That is the final point --> OFFICIAL LEGAL!

Everone out there is able to set up a charity

  • you only need to select a name 
  • go to a register of charities (online)
  • register your charity
  • you need to set up a charity's Governing Document
  • you will get a registry number
  • set up a bank account with this number
  • ready!

BUT i dont wanna explain the whole registry here - everyone can find some good explanings on the internet.The point is, that everyone is able to register a charity - in this case- a Michael Jackson charity - the office staff will NOT check their "real" business behind ....

I met a lot of ppl doing such a charity biz and I`m really shocked about HOW they sell their purpose to fans to get their attention & money!!!I was in real big fights  because of asking for more details only!ILet us not talk about all purposes of all charities - some are really great ones....but most of them ARE NOT and it is really clear WHY most of them USE the name "Michael" or some other re-recognition - 99% of the donor (mj fans) will always be able to "see" the connection to Michael!

BINGO - The money flows!!!!!

Most of those charity owner are sitting like "Dagobert Duck" on their collected money screaming: "MORE, MORE - ITS ALL MINE"!!!!

We all know and we all learned that there are copyrights on millions of photos of Michael Jackson, same with his music.... THE NAME IS A BRAND! ....

It sounds hard - but Michael`s name is a brand too - you cant use his name for your charity and make money with it....if its for a good reason or not! And best is - most of those charities include a fan shop on their websites  to make more money.....YOU NEED permission to sell merchandise stuff or other things including Michael`s name.

They speculate on the fans heart & grief to give fans the impression to do a good thing like Michael did himself.....!And you really MUST check the high prices for some of those fan articles - horrible!!!! However - when you ask those ppl for to show their "official legal permission" ( NOT THE REGISTRY NUMBER) , they will attack you to the worst!

I saw some other projects which are horrible too - some are really sponsered by donations that fans can use their forums or a blog radio once a week......They REALLY use Michaels name to OFFER a service to make money with it!!!!

So - since the last 4 years - we can see that too many ppl try to make money with & in Michael`s name - and its NOT only the media, Tv , or magazines and Its NOT only Sony or AEG.....Michaels own fans - "some of them" - try to make money...and some get it under a "dummy charity"   or under "dummy purposes" ......what a shame!!!!

I once started MJJJL to protect Michael´s name, life & legacy ...... those dummy charities will be on my list - thats a promise....and the ppl who will NOT like what they will read or get - i dont care - its MICHAELS  life and legacy ...



AND PLEASE DO NOT TELL me I should spread Michael´s LOVE instead of "HATE" or something ONLY because you don`t accept the guidelines HOW TO DEAL WITH "foreign" name´s .....I will fight against everyone using Michaels name in a bad & fraudulent way - THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO with LOVE!

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