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Blows are a part of there daily life

 A wonder, one may think. But in reality,

the animals don't feel good there. The

fact that they become hits with sticks

and stones, belongs

to a part of theire life. And when they

have no pleasure, the carer squirt the

urine of a male in there eyes - which is

very painful and humble for a tiger.


Erstes Projekt Ausgabe 1 Erste Seite

Also the fact that animals can freely

move daily, is only a story. The tigers

live in animal cages on concrete

grounds without any possibility of

activity. And without veterinary

care. It's a tiger's farm, which trys to

produce possibly a lot of younger

generation. These young generation

will then be abused as a tourist 

attraction or are sold like a product.

Buddhist monks have better things to do

The truth is, that only a few monks look for the animals. Because the

other monks have in mind the meditation and the walking between cloisters.

Therefore they employ "keeper". Also many organisations are against this

temple, but the monks get a lot ofmoney. Unthinking Tourists tear

themselves to pose for a photo with the great cats. And for a short time

believe in the illusion that people and big cats can live together in harmony.

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Erstes Projekt Ausgabe 1 Erste Seite


Big cat's misery in the tiger's temple

In the Thai tiger's temple, monks make the tourists believe to be in paradise. But in Reallife,

they attacted the tigers horrible.

Tigers are graceful animals. The big cats can jump more than two metres upwards and more than

eight metres away. But they are also risky. To hug a full-grown tiger and to fondle the fur of him,

is for normal people an impossible thing- one would like to think. But exactly this is offard by the

monks for 30 fr. in the tiger's temple in the Thai Kanchanaburi for a small remuneration of people.

According to the cloister website the monks live together with meanwhile about 90 big cats

peacefully. The animals can move freely daily for a few hours on the area and are absolutely tame

and trusting.

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       Ausgabe 1

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