Desiree's baby


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Desiree's baby Short story
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Story Time

If a women and her child go missing its always a tragody !

Todays main topic is about  the dark and scary tail of ,,Desiree's Baby " a short story about a young women, her husbind and there baby.

It all begann in the garden of the Valmonde resedince, where a man called Armand Aubigny fell in love with the adopted daughter of the Valmondes. The story picks up quit fast from there, which is quit typical for short storys. Désiree and Armand get marrid and have a baby. Everything seemed perfect, the slaves working on the L'abri plantage (the home of Desiree's new family) were treated better due to the good mood of the landlord.

But a good story doesn't end happy.Strang men came over and suddenly her husbind wouldnt speck to her or see there child. Desiree didnt know why Armand acted so strang, until one day she relised, will looking at a littel quadroon boy and comparing his skin colour with her babys, that the resaon for her husbinds behavior was thqat the baby was black!

This is the climax of the Story and I dont want to ruin the holl story for you, so read it your selfs and write me an e-mail on your thoughts about the ending at .



For all those of you who have already read the story please continue reading ...

Desiree's baby Short story Erste Seite
Desiree's baby Short story Erste Seite

Everybody reading this should have read the story so be aware spoiler alert.

After reading the story for the 10th time I keept asking my self what happines to Desiree after running away from the plantage. Did she die? Did she kill herself and the baby? Or did she sucsessfuly get away and started a new and hopefully happy life with her daughter? I think this are the most likely outcomes for her, but what about the husbind, the rich, lonly and probely dispissed husbind? Reading that letter must have been hard to swallow, knowing it was your "fault" that the baby was black and not hers. Living with so much gilt cant be easy.

I think thats more than enough for you to process until my next article is published.

The non affical L'Abri Plantage ( Mansion)

A painting of Desiree and her baby

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